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Animated Short Film:
I Hear You (2019)


“I Hear You” is the story about Eric to forgive his father mistake that made in so many years ago. This is the story about forgiveness, empathy, and personal growth.

Here is my short animation film ‘I Hear You’ for my Final Year Project of my bachelor studies.(Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong).

It tooks me 9 months to finished the film (finished in May 2019). Then I re-fined a little bit for the post production with very slowly process , and this is the 2nd version that I posted in March 2020).


Director and Animator: Wong Hoi Lam (a.k.a. Antiboard Teengirl)
Music Composer: Zero Leung
School Adviser : Mr Leung Hiu Ming, Eddie
Coloring assistant:
Wong Chun Ho, Cheng Ka Shing Tony, Yeung Ho Fung Marco, Jonathan Lo
Technical Support: Wong Chun Ho




-18-20 years old
- American
- Night shift in convenience store
- Introvert, Shy, not confident  and lack facility in tactful speech
- simple dressing style
-got PTSD in childhood from the car accident, he lose his mum.
- feeling angry with his father, though he killed his mother in car accident.


- 50-60 years old
- security
- drink all the time, would not clear the house
-always stay in front of the TV and watch football game, it’s his way to escape the reality
- refuse to talk with his son, because of his mixed feelings of self- esteem and guilt to his son


- kind person
- I don’t know how to design on this character hahahaha(don’t do it)
basically she is the model of mother, and she is smart and independent
- she loves her son and husband
- died in car accident when Eric was 8


If you wanna know more about my through/ how I made this animation.
I wrote down my through in my Tumblr :)

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